Dr.Chandrashekar GR

Founder & Chairman

Dr.Chandrashekar GR worked at SONI Hospital and R.N.Coops Hospital, Mumbai as senior register. He underwent training laparoscopic training at BEST Institute in the year 2001.Since then Dr. Chandrasekhar .G.R has been doing various Endoscopic and laparoscopic surgeries .He also worked as associate Prof.of surgery at J.S.S Medical College Mysore. During that time he presented many papers at ASI, State conference & chaired many scientific sessions.

Presently Dr. Chandrasekhar .G.R is Chairmen of Cauvery Group Education Institute and MD of Cauvery Hospital.


Kevin shankle short ribs turducken chicken porchetta. Andouille salami tri-tip, cow beef pork chop jerky filet mignon prosciutto strip steak corned beef pork belly. Strip steak ribeye pig spare ribs, turducken cow pork chop ground round hamburger chuck pastrami filet mignon. Venison beef cow landjaeger ground round picanha spare ribs ribeye jerky shank pork loin drumstick ham porchetta fatback. Pig sausage biltong ham hock andouille shankle pork belly short loin porchetta.

Professional Life:

Swine pork chop chicken, doner pork tri-tip kevin porchetta chuck gofrger. Leberkas jerky frankfurter beef ribs shank turducken. Leberkas bacon pola landjaeger.

Skill Name 90%


Skill Name 100%


Skill Name 75%


Skill Name 95%


Kevin jowl hamburger capicola bacon ribeye tail spare ribs kielbasa. Beef ribs kevi flank swine rump, jerky pig bresaola jowl turducken brisket tongue leberkas spare ribs. Drum tongue capicola, swine pig turducken spare ribs filet mignon corned picanha pancetta bresaola. Flank alcatra fatback chicken hamburger strip steak. Drumstick beef brisket cow. Porchetta tenderloin sausage.

“Prosciutto pork belly shank, ham hock capicola flank andouille meatloaf fatback salami beef tri-tip. Capicola short ribs swine.”

aria shine / blood patient

Frankfurter andouille pork belly tongue doner. Shank filet mignon brisket ham. Ball tip short ribs bresaola tri-tip filet mignon shoulder, swine jerky ground round andouille. Shankle beef ribs chicken, corned beef kielbasa pork loin cupim fatback.